Déliquessence: Darling Foundry

A very mouldy experience awaits you at the Darling Foundry! Science mixes with art at the Darling Foundry! 

Entropy - the second law of physics - is the theme that the artists chose for their artworks.

They interpreted it as an energy that ends up degrading and consuming objects by turning them into another state. The most surprising way in which this concept was interpreted is objects being consumed by fungi. Many objects were being attacked by this entity, which is neither animal nor vegetable;  food on a wall, writing made of grass, stone, glass and metal being transformed by the fungi and revealing new colours. Other interpretations included the decay of natural elements and a conceptual work made of sand, which showcased how each artist interpreted entropy.

The exhibition, curated by Caroline Andrieux, features the works of Lorna Bauer, Berdaguer and Péjus, Michel Blazy, Alexandre David, Edith Dekyndt, Kuh Del Rosario (a Concordia MFA student in Ceramics and Sculpture), Nicole Mcdonald-Fournier, and Nour Mobarak. Gordon Matta-Clark's and his colleagues' writings and works on entropy were the primal source of inspiration for this exhibit, thus giving him a place in the list of artists for this exhibit. 


Suppart Collective Show -Interview with Zéa Dee Poku


Africa is the Future by Nicolas Premier at the SBC Gallery